Friday, January 28, 2011

Made me Smile

The other day as I was folding laundry Joseph was looking for something to do and out of nowhere he asked if he could help fold the clothes. I was surprised but instantly replied YES! Then he asked if I would show him how to and once again I said YES!

He folded the clothes so fast I couldn't keep up with him and once he had finished with his clothes I thought he would lose interest and move on but he looked at me and said mom I can fold adult shirts to!

I love my little man and he is such a big help to me.


Heidi said...

What an adorable little helper you have!! Oh I just love him! I should try to get my kiddos to help out with the laundry. :)

Hannah said...

What a sweet boy! Orion likes to help fold, but, I have to secretly go behind after him and refold the adult stuff.