Last Saturday we spent all day doing fun family activities. We started the day going to a fundraising activity for breast cancer which Joseph enjoyed. They had all kinds of fun things for kids to do and they were auctioning off some pretty cool things for adults. Joseph's favorite part was the ball pits, we couldn't get him to try anything else. After the fundraiser we met up with Uncle Sam and Brad at the train show. Joseph and Brad loved watching all the different miniature trains and would get so excited when one would come by. It was really cool to see all the different trains and the detail on them was so in depth and amazing.
What a happy boy!
Mama can you see me in all these colors??
I really liked the blue lights on this train.
The miniature train had 108 cars. It was really cool to watch go by.
Daddy and Joseph enjoying the trains!
This layout had so much detail. The lights in the city turned on at dusk. It took the guy 16yrs to finish it.
This train was carrying actual logs, it was pretty cool.
This entire layout was made entirely out of legos.
Two trains just passing by each other.
I LOVE the picture of Joseph in the balls! That is so adorable!
What a great day. Those trains do look like lots of fun.
I don't know how I missed this when it was first posted. I LOVE electric trains. Your Uncle John and I played with them for hours and hours at a time. Of course, we were using O-gauge stuff that had been built in the fifties, much of it out of metal. This naturally invited us to test its strength. We had about 175,000 wooden blocks which we used to build walls and even whole buildings ON the track, just at the end of a straightaway where the speed would be at its highest. Our best explosions and crashes were achieved in the hallway of "the Mansion." There was no heat in the hallway, but we were having too much fun to notice that our hands were turning blue. The hallway was very wide and very long, so we could use every piece of three-rail track we had. Besides using the blocks to build barriers, we also used them to build inclines and then tested the engines to see how steep a grade they could climb. Sigh... I miss that kind of fun.
Uncle Jim
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